SPG01 - Classifying

by Fundación SPW


not available

The set SPG - Special Games features games and activities for the classroom or at home, tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. They are very simple games and without distractions. The first app of SPG series features 3 games of classification: by color, shape or amount.The game consists of classifying the ball in the right bin. If we drag the ball to the appropriate bin or indicate that bin, the app congratulates us visually and audibly. We can repeat the number of times that is set and, when finished, the app will say goodbye to us.
There is no time limit, and the only timed events are on the goodbye process. A series of dots on the side indicate us how many repetitions we have done and we have left, and a pictogram in the corner, reminds us the gameplay. The color of the balls is random, you never will have 2 consecutives balls of the same color. To avoid intense stimuli, no more sounds than the voices that accompany the pictograms or balls nor flashes are emitted.
OPTIONS, to suit all levels:• game modes: indicate or drag• order: fixed or variable• number of iterations: number of repetitions before the game ends (between 1 and 15)• auditory support: turn on or off the sound that gives us the name of the ball in play• languages: English, Spanish, French, Catalan (by default gets the device language, if English is not available)
It is an application of the Fundación SPW (http://www.praderwilli.es) developed by DSRroma (http://www.dsrroma.es) to children, youth, adults and older with intellectual disabilities, cognitive deficit, autistic spectrum, PDD (pervasive developmental disorders), Alzheimer, ...
This app does not include advertising nor require any special permission. No Internet access nor any protected resource access on your device.
If the app does not fit your requirements, contact [email protected] to assess the possibility of creating a version adapted to you.
⇒ * Some players may need support for the initial options screen.⇒ ** The profits from the sale of this app will be used for the purposes of the Fundación SPW⇒ *** The pictographic symbols from ARASAAC (http://catedu.es/arasaac/) are part of a collective work owned by the Government of Aragon, created under Creative Commons.
>> Demo Version (free): http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.praderwilli.spg.SPG01_demo <<